]]]]]]]]]]]]]          THE ILLIBERAL ACADEMY           [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ 
                   by Natalie and Gerald Sirkin             (1/2/1989)
                        (AtE Subscribers)
         From CITIZENS NEWS New Fairfield, Conn., 7/8/1987

               [Kindly uploaded by Freeman 06784LOEB]

    When, a few years ago, Accuracy in Academia was formed to help college 
students who were being cheated and lied to by ultra-left professors, 
academia threw a tantrum.
    --Academic freedom will be infringed, wailed the critics, though AIA 
is in no position to threaten anyone's freedom or job.
    --The classroom is a strictly private affair between teacher and 
students, declared the critics, though they did not explain why a 
professor's views in his class should be private when his views in his 
books are public.
    AIA sums up its approach in the simple proposition, "Sunlight is the 
best disinfectant."  Exposure is AIA's only weapon.  The burst of outrage 
about AIA made one wonder what academia was so fearful of having exposed.
    The monthly CAMPUS REPORT published by AIA tells us what the 
colleges are trying to hide, like courses with conventional academic 
titles that give the students only political stuff unrelated to the 
course titles. Consider--at Bradley University in Peoria, Illinois--
Sociology 100, "The Sociological Perspective," an introductory course 
consisting mostly of civil disobedience, Sandinista Nicaraguan 
propaganda, apartheid, radical feminist workshops, women against 
nuclear war,  and other leftist material, but nothing of the 
fundamentals of sociology that the students had paid for.
    Another side of the campus cover-up was exposed to the sunlight at the 
AIA Conference in Washington, D.C., on June 26 and 27, 1987.  Conserva- 
tives among college students, faculty, and visiting speakers, face what at 
its worst might we would call a reign of terror.
    Five student leaders at five different colleges spoke of the 
harassment to which conservatives are subjected.
    At Northwestern University, a small group of students led by a faculty 
member prevented Nicaraguan resistance leader Adolfo Calero from speaking 
to a large waiting audience and poured blood on him.  "He should be lucky 
to get out of here alive," declared the faculty member, Barbara Foley.  
"Violence is a form of freedom of speech," said this proponent of freedom 
of speech in defense of her action to prevent it.
    Miss Foley happened to be up for tenure (permanent appointment).  The 
faculty supported her and voted to give her tenure.  The provost and 
president vetoed the tenure.  But she is now on her way to Rutgers 
University for a year and thence to a grant from the National Endowment 
for the Humanities.  Such are the institutions that are or will be 
educating your children and spending your tax money.
    At the University of Chicago, conservative student leaders and their 
parents received offensive or threatening telephone calls.  ("I am your 
son's lover.  I was just with him.  I have AIDS."  Fortunately the father 
knew his son was in Paris.)  The telephone calls were eventually traced to 
the student newspaper, THE MAROON.  The University has refused to take any 
action against the offenders.
    The University of Texas at Austin prohibits the distribution of the 
TEXAS REVIEW, the conservative student newspaper, in certain areas of the 
University where other student publications are distributed.
    At the College of William and Mary, conservative students organized to 
start a newspaper and an independent speakers' forum at their own expense 
because the only speakers brought in by the official student organization 
are Sandinistas, members of the Communist Party USA, and similar illiberal 
leftists.  The conservative organizers have received threats and have had 
their automobile tires slashed.  These violent tactics are not unexpected 
where a faculty member waved the conservative newspaper before students 
and shouted, "Death to the fascists."
    Benjamin Hart, a founder of the DARTMOUTH REVIEW -- the first of some 
80-90 conservative campus newspapers--gave a number of stunning examples 
of campus intolerance, some or more of which are recounted in his book, 
POISONED IVY [Stein and Day, Briarcliff Manor, New York, l05l0, l984, 
    A black student participated in dismantling some illegal shacks that 
for three months had been disfiguring public property as a protest against 
South Africa.  He was hailed before the College disciplinary committee, 
called "bigot," "Klansman," "Nazi," "Fascist," "Uncle Tom," and "nigger" 
and expelled from the College.  By contrast, a leftist student punched a 
town policeman who had been sent to remove those same illegal shacks.  He 
was arrested, but was defended by the Dartmouth President and  let off 
without punishment.
    When Hart was distributing copes of the DARTMOUTH REVIEW to college 
buildings, he was attacked by an upper-level college administrator who 
kicked him, punched him, tried to push him through a plate glass door, and 
finally bit him through four layers of clothing producing a four-inch 
wound that required a tetanus shot.  The College suspended the administra- 
tor for ten days.  The faculty assembled and voted ll3 to 5 to censure not 
the attacker, but his victim, on the ground that the newspaper had tempo- 
rarily driven the administrator berserk.
    Another astonishing story was told by Professor George Marotta, polit- 
ical scientist at The Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace, 
which is connected with Stanford University.  The faculty of Stanford, 
which is solidly illiberal-left, has declared war on The Hoover 
Institution, which is moderately conservative.
    So when President Reagan offered to establish the Reagan Presidential 
Library at Hoover, the Stanford zealots went to work.  Out of sheer hatred 
for the President and his conservative principles, the Stanford faculty 
succeeded in turning away a major research asset that would have provided 
scholars not only with a treasure house of documents but also electronic 
access to all the other presidential library archives around the country.
    Dr. Ann Donnelly, columnist and observer of affairs at the University 
of Colorado, described "the most extreme political persecution of a uni- 
versity professor in modern history."  University of Colorado officials 
set out to get political scientist Edward Rozek, one of the few outspoken 
conservative professors.  With the collaboration of Colorado public 
officials, 27 trumped-up criminal counts were charged against Professor 
Rozek.  All 27 were eventually dropped or thrown out of court.
    Several AIA conference panels included spokesmen for the illiberal 
left.  In a revealing exchange, Anthony Podesta and Curtis Gans said they 
oppose suppression of free speech in colleges.  (Podesta is founding 
President of People for the American Way.  Gans, a campus activist of the 
'60s, was staff director of Senator Eugene McCarthy's presidential 
campaign and also a member of the Democratic National Policy Council.)
    They were asked what they had done to secure freedom of speech on 
campuses for distinguished figures like Jeanne Kirkpatrick, Henry 
Kissinger, Caspar Weinberger, Alexander Haig, Adolfo Calero and others, 
who have been prevented from speaking by leftist violence.
    Mr. Gans said he would sign a letter of protest if asked.  Mr. Podesta 
didn't see any problem, evidently regarding anti-conservative stormtroop- 
ers as people for the American Way.
    Our colleges are a microcosm of the modern political scene in which 
the illiberal left extols freedom until it gets in power.  Then it shuts 
down freedom, by every means, however foul, at its command.
    If there is a way out of this trap in which freedom is only the device 
for the destruction of freedom, we have not seen it yet.

         Copyright, Natalie Sirkin, Sherman, Connecticut, l987

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