]]]]]]]]]]]]] ANIMALS FOR ANIMALS [[[[[[[[[[[[[[ (2/19/90) [Kindly uploaded by Freeman 10602PANC] Dear Dr Beckmann: Animal ``rights'' must pay well! The following is from the very slickly produced The Animal's Voice Magazine. It is printed on heavy clay-coated stock and is superior to say `National Geographic' as an example of the printer's skill. Editorially, the magazine slants toward the pathology of `animal rights'. The piece I've uploaded shows how commonplace and taken for granted is the manipulation of the media. Regards, Oleg Panczenko (Freeman 10602PANC). ----------------------------------------------------------------- Direct Action: Taking It To the Streets by Jack Carone and Mary McDonald-Lewis Putting it on the Line -- and in Front of the Camera: Staging Civil Disobedience Today [From The Animal's Voice Magazine, V. 2, No. 5 (1990), p. 73] [Two paragraphs giving thumbnail sketches of historical and current American civil disobedience omitted.] Our challenge is to leverage off the growing legitimacy of the strategy [civil disobedience], while devising new ways to keep civil disobedience original and powerful. All movements that succeed always move from the radical fringe to the majority middle ground. The anti-war movement may have begun on campus, but its passion and staunchly held position soon rescued the parents of those dissident students -- and that was the beginning of the end. Now we can use the mainstream population to outreach to more homemakers, tradespeople, professionals, and the rest of the sleeping activists out there. One way to do this is to give antivivisectionists with mainstream appeal high-visibility positions, such as media spokespersons at actions. Sometimes that takes a little tutoring; public speaking may not be a homebody's forte. It takes a little effort on everybody's part, but it alerts the citizens that this movement belongs to everyone. Creating civil disobedience actions in today's media climate takes a lot more effort. Presenting demands, linking arms in front of a building and refusing to leave has been done. It's old news unlikely to recruit new activists. As a campaign is built, certain questions should be asked. Should a direct action be staged, that does not challenge any laws, or should arrests be risked with civil disobedience? WHat have you sought to accomplish by your previous actions, and how could you accomplish this another way? Has the best site been chosen for impact on the public, such as most money wasted through grants, most obviously unsound experimentation, greatest numbers of animals used or clearly horrific experiments? Has enough planning and surveillance been done to assure familiarity in layout, timing and with personnel? Have clearly states, reasonable, powerful demands been developed -- ones which cast a bad light on any facility's refusal to consider them? Can the action be geared to reveal significant information to the media and public? How will the action look on camera? Has the ideal team or teams been selected for the job? Have the legal ramifications been explored with counsel, and arrangements made for any legal complications which may arise the day of the action? Finally, what makes the action unique -- what makes it stand out on the news, and reach out to the people. There will be times when non-violent bodily resistance will be inevitable, but there will be other occasions when extra creativity may have to be called into play -- particularly in the light of the massive amount of recent well-publicized events by other movements. To determine your own course of action, assemble the most imaginative minds available for some ``what if?'' sessions. The goal should be to break out of set patterns of thought and activity. Put yourself in the media's shoes, and decide what will make a story exciting enough to warrant sending a busy news crew to your action. Civil disobedience actions offer media exposure without direct advertising costs, but can be expensive later on in terms of legal fees and other necessary expenditures. Sometimes ads placed at strategic times and in strategic places is a better economic move. Last Chance for Animals' ``Vivisector of the Week'' series of ads, which included photo, research statistics and office phone number, was a powerful addition to their World Animal Liberation Week strategy. Press conferences designed to draw attention to targets can also be effective. One group significantly diminished the press conference held by the opposition, by countering the target's claims with a spokesperson and plenty of pictures and facts just outside the press room as the media left. Target mailings can be a powerful direct action. If you can obtain a mailing list of major donors to your target from one of your insiders, go directly to the source of the money which is used to abuse. Make certain that you present your case to the donors in an accurate and thoroughly researched manner. You may get some hostile feedback, for you have challenged the assumptions of the truest believers, but imagine the potential impact and ripple effect if you can convince even one person or corporation that they should withhold support. This strategy has had real success in Southern California with one of the largest of the vivisection industry's [sic] as the target. Peaceful ``soft'' confrontations with people who engage in institutionalized abuse may stir some conflict with the individual doctor and/or within the group's infrastructure. If the circumstances are sufficiently dramatic, the media will be almost certain to attend. In a pre-dawn direct action, Last Chance for Animals confronted a busload of doctors and technicians bound for a hands-on laser-surgery seminar, complete with dogs for target [sic] practice. The team was hand-picked, as the action was risky, and no support unit was used. The activists assembled in front of the bus and slowed it to a crawl (stopping it would have been a serious crime, their pre-action legal research showed). The spokesperson then was able to dialogue with the passengers at great length, and the media captured the whole event for the day's news. Using another tactic, anonymous activists in Los Angeles saturated that city last April with large graphic posters of a head transplant experiment, to strong effect. [Concluding two exhortatory paragraphs omitted.] [The following is not part of the original article.] ``Reprinted from The Animal's Voice Magazine, P.O. Box 341347, Los Angeles, CA 90034 / 1-800-82-VOICE.'' The Animal's Voice Magazine is published bi-monthly by the Compassion for Animals Foundation, Inc., 3960 Landmark Street, Culver City, CA 90232; (213) 204-2323. * * *
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