]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] REPLY TO A.V. NERO [[[[[[[[[[[[ By Sysop (1/23/90) [After the Health Physics Society reprinted an old piece from ACCESS TO ENERGY ("On naked imbeciles" comparing the emission limits at the boundary of a nuclear plant with EPA's remedial level of radon-infested homes), A.V. Nero of the Lawrence Livermore Lab, an antinuke who measures radon levels in the US, wrote a letter with personal attacks on me, claiming that I had an axe to grind, calling me St. Petr, and making the analogy that when a car weighs 1,000 lbs it is not overweight because it is not human. His letter and my reply appeared in the HPS Newsletter, January 1990. I have my own letter on disk from my word processor, but not, of course, Nero's, and I don't have the time or inclination to retype out his letter by hand, so below I just give my reply.] -------------- [Reply to A.V. Nero's letter] What, pray, might be the ax that I am twice accused of grinding? If it is my insistence on consistency, then I can see why Nero is getting shrill instead of keeping to the issue. His oft-repeated joke of the 2,000 lb overweight car is very funny; but it becomes hilarious when one realizes that it has not the tiniest connection whatsoever with the issue. The threat, ionizing radiation, and the target, the human body, is the same. The level at which this threat is DEEMED DANGEROUS should therefore be the same also, and no amount of Nero's splendid footwork around this simple point can obscure the fact that the government has a double standard for the danger level in the whopping ratio of 80 : 1. Nero's trailblazing criterion of risk by outside agent vs. risk controllable by an individual (as distinct from the established criterion of whether the risk is voluntary, which it is not for radon) is a brilliant milestone in legal philosophy. It says that the dose of morphine an individual can safely inject in himself is 80 times higher than a licensed physician considers safe and is allowed to administer. Two air changes per hour is considered adequate; by whom? he sneers. By the EPA, among others. Its publication RADON REDUCTION METHODS (1986) claims reductions as high as 90% "for 0.25 ach to 2 ach." He should not shrink from an occasional visit to the library; lots of people do it. However, more respectable and less politicized figures than the EPA use the same rule of thumb; Prof. B.L. Cohen, for example, though Nero presumably considers him, too, "smacking of Inhaber, Hurwitz, and the like." St. Petr stands accused of touting negative ions as an air cleaning method; but who is he and when did he tout them? Speaking for Petr the uncanonized, I do not tout any such methods, for, unlike Nero, I report the news, I do not make it. On this occasion I reported on the measured results published by Prof. Moller of Harvard, and I see no reason to doubt them, since he is a serious scientist who does not seek shortcuts to glory by pushing half-baked, panicky theories in the Sunday supplements. Nero, who has on several occasions grossly misled his readers on nuclear proliferation, wastes and defense, and who has downplayed energy conservation as a radon-enhancing effect while stressing the effect of heating homes on global warming, hardly makes it into that category. I have written about altering the pressure field below a home on other occasions; the "omission" in this item was trivial, since it was not devoted to a survey of radon countermeasures. Yet again I stand accused of grinding an undisclosed, mysterious ax and putting down strawmen. There is a good reason why strawmen weigh so heavily on Nero's mind. He crusades against the "myth of an unpenetrable shield against nuclear weapons," a claim akin to the claim of impossible nuclear accidents. Nobody ever made either claim, and in both cases the myth was rudely manufactured by the heroes who then fought it with exemplary valor. But omission must surely weigh doubly heavy on Nero's mind; two of them perhaps more than others. While Nero's popular writings scare people with (correct) comparisons of radon and Chernobyl, he never breathes a word about hormesis. And worse, while he misrepresents the dangers of nuclear power, he studiedly omits any comparison with the vastly greater dangers of electric power production by any other method. Nero fiddles while coal is burning. * * *
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