]]]]]]]]]]      RIGHTIST NEWSLETTER SHAKES UP TV    [[[[[[[[[[[[[
  [From `Page Six', the New York Post, 29 August 1989, p. 6:1]

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   To hear L.  Brent Bozell III tell  it, left-wing propaganda is
as unavoidable as commercials on network television.
   Bozell,  a  right-wing  activist  and  nephew  of  William  F.
Buckley,  has  founded  ``TV,  etc.,''  a  bimonthly  publication
dedicated to ``providing  the American public  with the necessary
facts to document the bias of the Hollywood Left.''
   But  his  detractors  say  Bozell's  eight-page  newsletter is
nothing  more  than  a catalogue  of  the  political  leanings of
performers,  intended  to  ``blacklist''  those  of  the  liberal
   Only two  issues of  TV, etc.  have appeared,  but already the
publication has been  criticized by both  the American Federation
of Television and Radio Artists and the Screen Actors Guild.
   Actor John Randolph,  who was blacklisted  during the McCarthy
era,  sponsored a  resolution condemning  TV,  etc. at  the AFTRA
convention last month in Boston.   It was passed unanimously, and
Randolph received a standing ovation.
   According to  Bozell, Randolph,  along with  Ed Asner, Jackson
Browne and  Norman Lear,  are among  the ``top-rank''  of liberal
show biz  types.  Bozell  also contends  that many  younger stars
have  attended ``advanced  courses in  the  Jane Fonda  school of
ga-ga politics.''
   ``I am tickled  pink that the response  was so great,'' Bozell
told PAGE SIX's Clare McHugh.
   ``But I'm surprised that our pin-prick drew so much blood.''
   Included  in TV,  etc.'s  first issue  was  an article  on the
Hollywood's  Women's  Political  Committee.   Among  the members:
Rosanna Arquette, Morgan Fairchild, Goldie Hawn and Donna Mills.
   In the same  issue, TV, etc. reporters  picked out snippets of
dialogue from recently-aired episodes  of situation comedies that
they  found  liberal  in bias.   Included  was  an  exchange from
``Family Ties'' in which Steven  Keaton (played by Michael Gross)
compares the Ronald Reagan presidency  unfavorably to the time of
the bubonic plague.
   ``I want this  to be stopped before  it really gets started,''
Randolph told us.
   ``When I saw the publication I almost had a hemorrhage.
   ``That's the  way blacklisting  started before  -- small.  But
then it snowballed into a terrible hate campaign.''
   The  newsletter  is  published  by  Media  Research  Center, a
Virginia group  founded in 1987  by Bozell and  funded by private
and corporate donations.
   Bozell's  father   co-authored  a   book  in   1954  with  his
brother-in-law Buckley entitled ``McCarthy and His Enemies.''

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