]]]]]]]]]]]]]]        DESTRUCTIVE GENERATION --           [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[
                    by Natalie and Gerald Sirkin

(2nd ed., little changed from lst, published in CITIZEN NEWS of New Fair- 
field, Connecticut, 6/7/89, where Dr. and Mrs. Sirkin have a regular bi- 
weekly column.)

              [Kindly uploaded by Freeman 06784LOEB]

    As the Eighties recede, we find ourselves caught in the riptide of
    Sixties revival.  There are films, histories, and memoirs of what has
    been made to seem a sort of golden age....  This revival can be
    recognized as a sentimental moment....  But the nostalgia is also a
    political phenomenon.  The growing interest in the Sixties coincides
    with a renaissance of the radicalism that was the decade's dominant
    trait and is now being used to jump-start the Next Left.
                                        Destructive Generation, p. 217

    The burst of romantic nostalgia for the radicals of the Sixties helps
perpetuate the myth that it was a golden age that that gang of vandals

    When journalists treat the death of a sleazy ex-fugitive Abbie Hoff-
man as if a hero and benefactor of man had departed, we urgently need an
honest description of the '60s.  Right on cue it arrives, by two partici-
pants now awakened from their delusions.

    In the late '60s, Peter Collier and David Horowitz edited the New
Left magazine Ramparts.  Their personal experiences in "The Movement" are
an integral part of their story.  Their book, Destructive Generation,
Second Thoughts About the Sixties (Summit Books, 1989, 352pp., $19.95),
traces and analyzes the shameful history of the New Leftists.

    Horowitz was a "red-diaper baby"--the term for children of dedicated 
members of the Communist Party.  Collier, from an ordinary lower-middle-  
class family, was "radicalized" (had his brains scrambled) at the Univer- 
sity of California at Berkeley.

    Until they began to break away in the mid-'70s, Collier and Horowitz 
worked for the Left though not sharing all its totalitarian enthusiasms.  
When Ramparts received a manuscript on Cuba by members of the North Amer- 
ican Congress on Latin America (a church-funded pro-Castro group), Edi- 
tors Collier and Horowitz had their doubts:  If, as the article said, a 
third of the Cuban population actively participated in enacting a new 
"anti-laziness" law, then why was the law needed?  "Your revolutionary 
responsibility is to print the piece and shut up about it," replied the 
NACLA spokesman.

    Their break-away was accelerated by a brutal shock.  Horowitz had 
persuaded Ramparts' bookkeeper, Betty Van Patter, to help the Black Pan- 
ther Party get its books in order.  "Apparently she stumbled onto infor- 
mation showing that they were dealing in drugs and protection rackets.  
Wanting them to live up to her radical high hopes, she must have con- 
fronted them with what she had learned."  She was found floating in San 
Francisco Bay, her head bashed in.

    The rise and fall of the New Left's romantic fantasy--that the Black 
Panthers were the heroic vanguard of the revolution--are mirrored in the 
life and death of Fay Stender, a radical lawyer who devoted herself, body 
and soul, to them.  Portraying them as political prisoners, she labored 
ceaselessly to get them and other vicious black criminals out of prison 
and, with the aid of our stupid criminal justice system, usually suc- 
    Donning the militant Left uniform of leather miniskirt and high 
boots, she indulged in love affairs with prisoners Huey Newton and then 
George Jackson.  She edited Jackson's letters from Soledad Prison, delet- 
ing his references to his criminal acts and intentions.  When at last her 
romanticism was jolted by the fearful awakening that they were nothing 
more than a criminal gang, they decided she was not loyal enough and sent 
a killer who shot her, leaving her paralyzed.

    Mrs. Stender was one of the irresponsible self-deceivers and fools 
who made up the New Left.  For ten years, in a spree of wild rhetoric, 
demonstrations, and bombings, mixed with drugs, sex, and dreams of vio- 
lence, these aging adolescents tried to create a revolution.

    It petered out in dramatic dead-ends.  Three blew themselves up in a 
Greenwich Village town house while constructing a bomb that was to go off 
in the Fort Dix dance hall amidst the GIs and their dates. 

    Kathy Boudin escaped from the explosion.  She was caught during an 
attempted robbery of a Brink's truck in Nyack, New York, by the Black 
Liberation Army, an offshoot of the Black Panthers.  A guard and two po- 
licemen were killed.  She went to prison, one of the few who paid any- 
thing for their crimes.

    Most of the leaders went underground and faded from sight.  Berna- 
dine Dohrn, Bill Ayers, and others were denounced in the Weather Under- 
ground as "racists" by blacks and submitted to self-criticism, but were 
expelled from that organization they had created.  The old disciplined 
Communist hacks, so despised by the New Left, picked up the pieces as the 
New Left looney Movement fall apart.  The New Left was absorbed by the 
Old Left.


    After several years underground, the surviving leaders emerged, un- 
scathed, unpunished, unregenerate.  Mark Rudd, a leader of the Columbia 
University student revolution of 1968, is a school teacher in Albuquer- 
que.  Many returned to graduate school and are now--heaven help us--  
teaching a new generation of college students.

    Ayers and Dohrn go each year to the scene of the Greenwich Village 
explosion to mourn for the good old days, when they could plan bombings 
and killings and inspire their followers with the example of Charles Man- 
son who "killed those pigs."

    Tom Hayden in 1970 was the leader of the Red Family in Berkeley, pre- 
paring for "armed resistance" and urging the Black Panthers on to more 
violence.  Now he is a member of the California State Legislature, thanks 
to the wealth of his wife, Hanoi Jane Fonda.  As far as we know, they are 
all still waiting for the next revolutionary uprising.


    The looney Left could not have carried on its rampage for ten years 
and escaped unpunished without substantial assistance from supposedly re- 
sponsible and respectable adults.

    Foundations and individuals like the "guilt-ridden fourth Rockefeller 
generation" supplied money.  Others supplied advice.  When a "defector" 
from the government National Security Agency brought RAMPARTS vital clas- 
sified information on NSA's capability for deciphering Soviet codes, Ed- 
itors Collier and Horowitz worried only about the legal consequences of 
publishing it.  The leftist legal community provided them with the serv- 
ices of Charles Nesson, a Harvard professor of law.  Publishing secrets, 
said that Harvard professor, would be a clear violation of the Espionage 
Act, but they could probably get away with it because prosecuting them 
would require the Government to reveal more NSA secrets.


    Like poison in our veins, the madness of the '60s continues to circu- 
late through our society. It is preserved by the sugary gloss that is be- 
ing put on the history of those sick times.  Typical is the tale from 
Todd Gitlin, Sixties' radical.  In his book, he repeats the Noam Chomsky 
theme that the revolutionaries may have committed some minor sins, but 
they were driven to it by the evils of America.

    The destructive generation's still unregenerate leaders and their 
disciples are spread throughout our country, in our educational system, 
in the media, in the churches, even in the Congress, pretending to be pa- 
triots while teaching hatred of America and propagating the faith that 
Socialism, a criminal disaster in country after country, will yet produce 
joy in some new Socialist paradise.

    The antidote to that poison is DESTRUCTIVE _GENERATION.  Give it to 
your children.  Don't wait for the movie.

              Copyright, N & G Sirkin, Sherman, Conn., 1989
                         *       *       *

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