]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] UNILATERAL DISARMAMENT [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ (11/9/88) Editorial, The Wall Street Journal, 4 November 1988, p. A14:1 [Kindly uploaded by Freeman 10602PANC] In a congressional hearing on September 30, the United States embarked on the course of unilateral nuclear disarmament. No arguments were offered about the Soviet Union, NATO, arms talks or the place of a nuclear deterrent in ensuring the security of the United States. But a New York Times report struck the tone for the extraordinary and in some ways incredible chain of political events that has occurred in the month since. "The Savannah River Plant in South Carolina, an enormous government complex that produces fuel for the nation's nuclear weapons, has experienced a number of serious reactor accidents that have been kept secret from the public as long as 31 years, two congressional committees disclosed today." Melodramatic press coverage, led by the Times's Keith Schneider and echoing through Time [31 October 1988, "The Nuclear Scandal", cover; "They Lied to Us", p. 60] and Newsweek [31 October 1988, "The year the bomb makers went boom", pp. 35], and demagogic statements by Members of Congress have focused the nation's nuclear phobia squarely on the U.S. nuclear-weapons production complex. Indeed, the reactor complex is now closed down by concern over "accidents" in which no one was hurt and nothing harmed. The White House and Pentagon have dumped the problem on the Department of Energy, which runs the defense production plants. Secretary John Herrington and his department have responded to this assault with a firm policy of pre-emptive surrender. This is not merely a matter of producing new weapons. The nuclear reactors at the Savannah River plant produce tritium, a rare form of hydrogen essential for nuclear warheads. The Tritium in existing weapons, with a radioactive half-life of only 12 1/2 years, melts away like ice and must routinely be replaced. With the Savannah River reactors closed since August, no new tritium is being produced in the U.S. The Defense Department says it has about a nine-month supply. Secretary Herrington promises to restart one of the reactors in December, but the National Resources Defense Council promises to sue to stop him. James Schlesinger, former secretary of both energy and defense, says, "If you want the shortest route to unilateral nuclear disarmament, just shut down those reactors for a while." * * * The U.S. nuclear deterrent now faces its most serious threat not from Soviet ICBMs or KGB sabotage or START bargains, but from NEPA, the National Environmental Policy Act [1969]. For any "major federal action," whatever that means, NEPA mandates an environmental-impact statement, which today concerns not what happens to the environment but what legal hoops have to be jumped through. Over the past few years, a series of little-noticed lawsuits have established NEPA as an effective anti-defense weapon. These court precedents have been won primarily by Jeremy Rifkin -- former promoter of the "People's Bicentennial" and one-time sponsor of a bounty for secretaries informing on their bosses. With the assistance of extensive coverage from the Time's Mr. Schneider, Mr. Rifkin has more recently established himself as the scourge of biotechnology. His peripatetic lawsuits against gene-splicing and the like have by now been pretty well defeated; the scientific community branded his contentions as nonsense and judges have recently decided he lacked standing to supervise federal regulators. He has, however, found a softer target in the Pentagon. o In 1985, federal Judge Joyce Hens Green of the D.C. district ruled favorably on Mr. Rifkin's NEPA suit against the Army's plans to build a biological-weapons-defense research complex at the Dugway Proving Grounds in Utah. Judge Green said the Army's environmental assessment was "clearly inadequate" under standards laid out in previous appeals court rulings. Last month -- three years after Judge Green's decision -- the Army announced that the capabilities of its as-yet-unbuilt facility would be scaled down. NEPA had been used to defeat the U.S. Army. o Subsequent to the Green decision, Mr. Rifkin filed a suit charging that the Army's entire biological antiwarfare program was in violation of NEPA. Faced with the possibility of delays and nightmarish publicity campaigns of the sort that plagued Dugway, the government as "an expeditious way to resolve the case." agreed in a February 1987 court settlement to do a major study of the program's environmental effects. o The month following this settlement, Mr. Rifkin filed suit to halt so-called "electromagnetic pulse experiments" being conducted by the Pentagon in five states, partly to develop countermeasures against a potential Soviet directed-radiation weapon that could disable U.S. command and communications systems during a nuclear attack. This past May, the Defense Department settled, agreeing to turn off or reduce the project's generators. After a preliminary, six-month environmental assessment of the project's effect on wildlife and humans, Commander in Chief Rifkin would agree to allow the Pentagon to operate some of the generators at reduced power. A full, two-year environmental- impact statement is to follow. So an anti-defense strategy had been born: Find sympathetic judges to lend credence to environmental lawsuits built out of frightening, Strangelovian scenarios of "disaster." Intimidate frightened politicians. Trap the military in the NEPA red-tape spiderweb. Make the point that even if your opponent may win eventually, his program will face intolerable delay, then dictate your settlement. Jeremy Rifkin provided the first-wave shock troops; now the heavy artillery of the Natural Resources Defense Councils [sic] is zeroing in on the heart of the nation's deterrent posture. * * * An NRDC unilateral disarmament suit would ensure delay and paralysis. To do a full-blown impact statement on Savannah River could require two tiers of public hearings and perhaps three comment periods consuming two years, not counting possible judicial review and supervision of the project. To argue that national security required a restart of the reactors, the government would most probably have to file affidavits containing highly classified data from defense officials, and the plaintiffs' lawyers would have to be cleared to see this material. Meanwhile, the U.S. nuclear deterrent would dissipate as the tritium in warhead after warhead degraded. The Savannah River defense reactor has been operated under a non-profit contract by DuPont Co. since 1951 and jointly with the Department of Energy since 1977. Following the 1986 Chernobyl accident, the Department of Energy asked the National Academy of Sciences to evaluate safety and management issues at the U.S. defense reactors. In its report last year the academy's team did cite specific areas of DOE's management of the reactors that need improvement to ensure future safety. The shutdown of the Savannah reactors in August, for example, occurred because workers failed to follow proper safety practices when the reactor failed to respond during a restart procedure. No harm came of that incident, but groups are in place to work on the issues raised in the academy's report. As to the reactor's safety record over the past three decades, the academy committee states: "The contractors responsible for the operation of the N Reactor and the reactors at Savannah River have excellent records of safe operation. There have been no major reactor accidents at these facilities. Both facilities have records of avoidance of lost workdays as a result of on-the-job injuries at least 10 times better than that of U.S. industry as a whole." No one questions that ultimately funding has to be made available to construct new facilities and reactors for the defense complex. In any event, restoring the complex to an operational level that meets both long-term security needs and safety will require more than the lurid sensationalism that the issue is getting now. The short-term imperatives, however, could hardly be more compelling. U.S. security needs the Savannah River reactor's tritium. While it may surprise nearly everyone but the environmentalists that NEPA has become the Supreme Law of the Land, it is also true that the Department of Energy, Congress and the Pentagon have mismanaged the current situation. Even now there is little evidence that officials at the Pentagon or the National Security Council fully appreciate the legal bind that a succession of NEPA suits has put them in. A Pentagon spokesman says, "We have no specific solutions for DOE." The line at the NSC is, "DOE has the lead on that right now." Yet over at the Department of Energy, its lawyers are mainly talking about the position of legal strength now occupied by potential NEPA plaintiffs. Instead of pressing the case for a reactor restart, its officials have been mainly conceding hypothetical safety problems, as if this would somehow make the political assault on the defense complex abate. Senator John Glenn [D, Ohio] has described exactly what will be needed to stop this unacceptable threat to the deterrent from getting further out of hand: "It's not overstating that we've gotten to a situation where the President has to make a decision." * * *
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